Press Release

Announcement of Dawenkou Site Museum on collecting folk cultural relics

  Located in Dawenkou Archaeological Relics Park, Dawenkou Relics Museum, with an exhibition area of 2100 square meters, is a comprehensive museum integrating collection, protection, research and education. The museum takes "Haidai Dawn" as the exhibition theme, and comprehensively introduces the excavation results and historical value of the site through four chapters of discovery, exploration, protection and looking up at Dawenkou.
  In order to further enrich and enrich the categories of exhibits in the exhibition hall, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics, the Regulations on Museums and other relevant laws and regulations, cultural relics are now openly collected from the public. The following announcement is hereby made:
1、 Collection content
(1) Scope of solicitation
  1. Representative objects reflecting the period of Dawenkou culture.
  2. Important documents, manuscripts and books related to Dawenkou culture.
  3. Other physical objects related to Dawenkou culture.
(2) Specific content
  1. Stone tools: related stone products of early, middle and late Dawenkou culture.
  2. Jade articles: jade articles of Dawenkou culture period.
  3. Pottery: Pottery products of Dawenkou culture period, Beixin culture period and Longshan culture period, including ritual vessels, household utensils and kiln furniture.
  4. Tools: various agricultural tools, special purpose tools, tools, etc.
  5. Tooth bone horn: including animal bones, teeth, horns and related processing devices in Dawenkou culture period.
  6. Celebrity supplies: including manuscripts, letters, pictures, inscriptions, signatures, archaeological tools, daily necessities, etc. related to the excavation of Dawenkou Site or Dawenkou Culture.
  7. Documents: including the original of important documents and early copies of documents that do not exist.
  8. Scientific and technological achievements: including treatises, research reports, relevant materials, physical objects, certificates, etc. awarded by units and individuals at provincial and national levels.
2、 Collection method
  (1) Social or personal donations. On the principle of voluntariness, collectors donate cultural relics to the museum free of charge, and the ownership of cultural relics belongs to the recipient. The cultural relics collection unit will issue certificates to the donors and commend them. For important cultural relics and cultural relics with high economic value, a certain amount of economic compensation can be given according to the value of cultural relics.
  (2) Escrow. For cultural relics held by individuals, according to their own willingness, they can submit to the museum for custody and sign a free custody agreement. The management unit will protect scientifically, ensure security strictly, make reasonable use of and display in due time.
  (3) Borrow exhibition. Negotiate with the holder of cultural relics and sign a loan agreement, and handle the relevant loan procedures.
3、 Solicitation procedure
  (1) Declaration. The holder of cultural relics shall directly contact the collecting unit for declaration. For those with large volume and large quantity, the staff can make an appointment in advance to register and take photos, and briefly explain the source of cultural relics and other information.
  (2) Review. Invite expert review teams (no less than 3) to identify the authenticity, history, art, scientific value, and spreading experience of the objects to be collected in batches. Those that meet the collection conditions will be retained after review, and those that do not meet the conditions will be returned to the holders.
  (3) Go through formalities. Negotiate with the cultural relic holder to determine the collection method and go through relevant procedures.
  (4) Filing. Register the collected cultural relics and historical materials, indicate the collection time, method, collection process, background description and other information, archive, store, display and display.
4、 Solicitation instructions
  (1) Providers need to ensure the authenticity of historical and cultural relics and the legitimacy of their sources.
  (2) The provider needs to have a clear understanding of the source of cultural relics, the spreading experience, the story behind them, and attach a brief text description. The name, occupation, ID number number, contact information, mailing address and other information of the cultural relics provider shall be provided.
  (3) The collection provided must have clear ownership and shall not infringe the rights of third parties or violate laws and regulations. In case of economic disputes and other similar situations, the museum will not bear any responsibility.
  (4) All donated cultural relics are permanently preserved by our unit, and the ownership belongs to the Dawenkou Site Museum.
  (5) The final interpretation of the solicitation activities belongs to the Dawenkou Site Museum.
5、 Collection time limit
  This solicitation is valid for a long time.
6、 Relevant measures
  (1) Fund guarantee. The funds for the collection of cultural relics shall be disbursed from the special funds for the protection of cultural relics set up by the financial department at the corresponding level, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the collection of cultural relics.
  (2) Incentives. The cultural relics collected will be displayed, and the names of the collecting units or donors will be indicated. Donators of cultural relics shall be issued with donation certificates, and awards and commendations shall be given. We should respect the wishes of the donors and properly collect, keep and display the donated cultural relics. Appropriate compensation shall be given to the donors of cultural relics with high value.
7、 Contact information
  Collection address: Dawenkou Archaeological Relics Park, Daiyue District, Tai'an City
  Tel: 0538-8711015
  Solicitation mailbox:
  Inheriting and carrying forward Dawenkou culture needs the common attention and support of the whole society. We warmly look forward to your support and participation!

Dawenkou Site Museum
January 11, 2023